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Gilda Scévola

Argentina, resident 2022

Gilda Scévola is a photographer and educator. Since 2016, she has coordinated the PH15 Foundation Visual Translator of Native Languages project. She also collaborates with the Mbya Guaraní Jasy Porá Community in Misiones, Argentina. She is an educator and coordinates primary school support in the Mugica neighborhood of the Messengers of Peace Educational Strengthening Program at the Caacupé and Cristo Obrero campuses. The search for identity, transformation, and daily activities, are recurring themes in her projects.

Registro Gilda Scévola - Traductor Visual Jasy Pora - Chivi Kora (2).JPG

Ludic Anthropology

Gilda was the artist in residence who established a very close bond with the community. She investigates the practice of the game in different cultures. During her month in Misiones, she investigated the ancestral game “Chivi Kora: The Jaguareté limiting”. One of her main objectives is to trace through the game the origins and common aspects between cultures. Although some games may be related to a specific geographic or cultural tradition, most of them are played all over the world.

Observing, investigating and documenting human behavior in life is a constant in Gilda's work, which we could define as an anthropologist of the image. Her particular poetic sensitivity was reflected in the act of giving cameras to the children of the community and inviting them to participate in the exhibition with a series of photographs taken by them.

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